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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.

Southey Nursery






We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment for your child through structured play activities and focused groups, according to the age and needs of the children.

In line with the early learning goals, we also aim to realise the potential of every child regardless of gender, race and culture, in all aspects of learning and development. In partnership with parents and carers we are all working towards helping each child to achieve the following:-

· To listen carefully

· To communicate with others confidently and with understanding

· To develop early reading and writing and numeracy skills and to use these as appropriate

· To develop an interest and awareness in his/her environment

· To develop a positive self image and meaningful relationships

· To develop tolerance, respect, care and understanding of others and the environment

· To develop independence eg dressing, toileting, washing, eating etc

· To develop confidence

· To acquire a sense of enjoyment, and to have a positive attitude to learning.


Nursery Session Times

Morning Session - 8.30-11.30

Afternoon Session - 12.15-3.15

All day session - 8.30-2:30


Meet the Staff



Kerry Hughes

Nursery Manager -

Tots and Nursery SENCo


Kathryn Holland

Assistant Head EYFS

Cheryl Bloodworth











Sessions we offer


We offer 15 hours over:

5 am sessions

5 pm sessions

or 2 1/2 days - Monday to Wednesday or Wednesday to Friday


We also offer 30 hours for those children who are eligible.

30 hours runs as 10 am/pm sessions and lunch is not included.


Our Opening Times


AM sessions: 8.30– 11.30 (Gates open at 11.15 for parents to begin to pick up. Gates will close at 11.35)

PM sessions: 12.15-3.15 (Gates open at 3.00 for parents to begin to pick up. Gates will close at 3.20)

Children attending all day will stay 8.30-3.15




There is a charge of £1.75 per day if your child stays for lunch. This cost covers supervision only. You will need to provide a healthy packed lunch.

This must be paid in advance for you child to be able to stay.


Snack Time/ Lunches


Milk is provided free for children up until their 5th birthday. Each day we provide a free healthy snack with milk. Please let us know if your child has any special dietary needs.

If your child attends full days they will need a packed lunch. To help with our schools healthy eating policy, we would request that you do not bring sweets or fizzy drinks to school. We also ask for nothing with nuts in as we have nut allergies.



Applying for school


When your child is nearly 5, he/she will be eligible to start school. This will be in September for children becoming 5 between 1st September and 31st August of the following year.

Admission to Nursery does not guarantee a place in school as you need to apply separately for a school place. Please register with the Local Education Authority by completing a form obtainable from the class or the school office.


