Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development
At Southey Green Primary School we pride ourselves on how we promote pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. All National Curriculum subjects provide opportunities to promote pupil’s development as well as explicit opportunities in Religious Education, Personal, Social Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). A significant contribution is also made by the school ethos, values, wider curriculum activities, assemblies and trips and visits.
Spiritual Development
Children’s spiritual development involves the growth of their sense of self, unique potential, their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and their will to achieve. As their curiosity about themselves and their place in the world increases. Children try to answer for themselves some of life’s fundamental questions. The develop the knowledge, skills and understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to foster their own inner lives.
Moral Development
Moral development involves children acquiring an understanding of the difference between right and wrong of a moral conflict, a concern for others and the will to do what is right. They are able and willing to reflect on the consequences of their actions and learn how to give forgiven themselves and others. They develop the knowledge, skills and understanding, qualities and attitudes they need in order to make responsible moral decisions and act on them.
Social Development
Social development involves children acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (locally and nationally). They have an ability to relate to other and to work alongside side them in a way with benefits all. Children display a sense of belonging and an increasing willingness to participate. They develop knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to become active citizens within their community.
Cultural Development
Cultural Development involves children gaining an understanding of cultural traditions and heritage and the ability to appreciate and respond to ‘the arts’. The children will respect their own cultures and that of others. They will appreciate the interests of others and be curious about differences. They develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to understand, appreciate and contribute to different cultures.
The spiritual development of pupils:
- Reflection time: assembly
- Assemblies
- Whole school art gallery (Christmas fayre)
- Visitors, trips
- Core values
- P4C enquiries
- RE curriculum
- Promoting teaching styles which –
-Value pupils’ questions and give them space for their own thoughts, ideas and concerns
-Enable pupils to make connections between aspects of their learning
-Encouraging pupils to relate their learning to a wider frame of reference – for example, asking ‘why?’, ‘how?’ and ‘where?’ as well as ‘what?
- Christmas service
- RE assemblies linked to local church
The moral development of pupils:
- Behaviour policy
- Postcards home
- Playground Buddies
- School’s core values
- P4C sessions
- School Council - democracy
- SEAL assemblies
- Friendship week – anti bullying
- PSHE curriculum
- Crucial Crew – magistrates court – justice system
- Fundraising: Christmas jumper day, whole school art gallery, Christmas fayre, Teddy Bear’s picnic (cancer research), wear red day (BHF)
- Residential Y3 and Y6
- Sleep over
- Pupil questionnaires
- Class rules
- Childline assemblies
- Online Safety
- Conisborough Castle trip
- Whitby trip
- British , St George’s day and Shakespeare work.
The social development of pupils:
- P4C sessions
- Election process – school council
- School council
- Assemblies
- Children’s university
- After school clubs
- Reading evening
- Health and wellbeing team
- School nurse
- Singing for OAPS
- End of year performances
- Y6 prom
- School trips
- Inclusion team
The cultural development of pupils:
- School Council election
- Celebration of Current Events (e.g. World Cup, Olympics, Royal weddings and births)
- Celebration Assemblies
- RE lessons and themed assemblies
- P4C
- Jigsaw lessons
- Linking Schools (secondary)
- Recognition of important religious festivals such as Eid, Chinese New Year, Diwali
- Art – artist focus
- Educational trips and visits
- Music
- School Ethos
- Exploring other countries through topic work
- Food tasting and themed lunches (e.g. Chinese New Year lunch)
- Participation in fund raising activities
- Inter-school events
- Assemblies (celebrating music, art etc.)
- Theatre trips
- Music/ choir & Young Voices
Our PSHE curriculum is delivered through the Jigsaw scheme of work. This provides a structured programme of personal development to nurture the ‘whole child’ and increase learning capacity, underpinned by mindfulness philosophy and practice.
Every Jigsaw lesson from foundation stage 2 to Y6 offers opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, and this is clearly mapped and balanced across each year group.
Likewise, Jigsaw is designed to provide structured opportunities in every lesson to practise and enhance the five skills associated with the emotional literacy (self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation and managing feelings). At Southey Green Primary, we believe that these opportunities are vital for children’s development, their understanding of themselves and others and in increasing their capacity to learn.
The grids below give a quick visual reference and summary of where these opportunities sit within our PSHE curriculum: