Writing at Southey Green
Teaching of Writing at Southey Green
Writing is a key part of our learning at Southey Green. Each week all children are taught daily spelling, grammar and punctuation skills from the national curriculum which they are then expected to apply into their writing. All children have the opportunity to explore a variety of genres and texts and also to create their own fiction and non-fiction pieces. To inspire young writers, each unit of work has a stimulus at the start of it to enthuse the children. This could be a school trip or visitor, a video clip or a link to their curriculum units which give the children a purpose for writing. It is so important to us that the children enjoy these sessions and so we try to make all lessons exciting and engaging.
At the end of every unit the children complete an independent writing task to show off their fantastic learning. We have a Writing Display Wall in school which is updated regularly with pieces of work that children are especially proud of.
Below are some online learning links to several fun games that the children are familiar with to help them with their Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar skills. These games help the children to apply their learning in a different environment and really motivate them to do well.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Teaching of Handwriting at Southey Green
At Southey Green we follow the Martin Harvey scheme of work. Recently Martin himself came in to school and completed a number of workshops with the children. Each letter is grouped in to a family which shares a familiar shape or feature. Correct letter formation is a huge part of our handwriting sessions and as all children move up through school we move towards joined handwriting. Handwriting is taught through at least four twenty minute sessions a week. Across school we have implemented handwriting expectations which we expect children to follow in all lessons.
Look out for some examples of good handwriting coming soon.

Teaching of Spelling at Southey Green
At Southey Green we follow the Twinkl scheme. All spelling patterns and rules are taken from the National Curriculum. Each week every year group are taught a particular pattern or sound and are given a list of spellings to practise throughout the week. All pupils are given opportunities to use and apply these words within their lessons and are encouraged to use these at home also. At the end of the week pupils take part in a ‘dictation’ session to demonstrate that they can not only spell the word correctly, but that they can also use it in context.
Click HERE for the National Curriculum for Spelling.