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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.

Leading Parent Partnership Award

What is LPPA?

We were re-accredited in November 2023 after first achieving it in Summer 2017. The school firmly believes in our links with parents/carers and families in order to support and encourage all children to achieve their potential both in and out of school.

We are so proud of achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award for the third time as it is a fundamental part of our school and what we are about. Through this process we have made huge gains with our parents and therefore with our children.

Parent / Carer involvement in their child's learning really does make a difference and here at Southey Green Primary School we are committed to giving the tools and support that parents / carers need to help their child to achieve their full educational potential. This award looks at how well we work with parents and carers; how welcoming the school is; and, how we support parents / carers in helping their child to learn. We aim to improve communication with parents / carers and the community; support families and children to extend their learning and encourage a greater input and more involvement of parents / carers in school life.

LPPA is a national award that provides us with a valuable framework for continuing school improvement and also gives us recognition for our commitment to working with parents and carers.

The award has 8 Key Objectives

Objective 1

The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards achieving reassessment of the Leading Parent Partnership Award.


Objective 2

The school has effective plans to maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.


Objective 3

The school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents.


Objective 4

The school promotes the awareness and participation of all groups of parents in supporting

their children's learning and developing their own learning. In addition, the school holds and actively

promotes a programme of opportunities and events for joint parent and child participation.


Objective 5

The school provides a good induction for all new parents.


Objective 6

The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them to support their children's learning.


Objective 7

The school provides and implements parent-friendly policies to establish effective home-school links

and to improve children's attendance, punctuality, progress and positive participation in school.


Objective 8

The school provides good support for all parents as their children move

through or leave the school.





If you would like to know more about how to become involved please speak to Mrs Oledrzynski on 0114 2326879 or email

We need you!
