Playtime Buddies
Playground Buddies play a very important role in making sure our playground is a happy and safe place for everyone. Every year, pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 are invited to apply for the position and if successful, are provided with training. They then carry out their duty for one lunchtime every week and they wear bright caps & bibs so that other children know who they are. As well as helping other children across the school, being a Playground Buddy is also an opportunity to develop leadership skills which will be useful in later life. We are very proud of our fantastic group of Playground Buddies for helping to make sure every child at Southey Green Primary School is happy and safe.
What is the role of a Playground Buddy?
- To be a good role model to others at all times
- To help prevent any form of bullying in our school
- To make sure all children have someone to play with
- To help to solve low-level arguments
What should effective Playground Buddies be like?
- Treat everyone fairly
- Be patient and kind
- Be a good friend to everyone
- Be a good listener
- Use calm voices and talk to others with respect
- Help others to develop good social skills
- Look out for children who need help or are lonely
- Tell an adult when there is a problem
Attention Year 5 and Year 6
If you are friendly, sensible, patient, thoughtful, kind, and a good listener!
What does it take to be a good playground buddy?
- If you spot children that are alone, encourage and help them to find class friends who they can join in with.
- Watch out for unkind behaviour and report it to an adult.
- Think of playground games to play and be willing to join in too!
- Take the position seriously, turn up on your day and be noticed!
Please print off the form below and fill in.