MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) is an online portal for parents that enables them to view their child’s performance at school in real-time via the MCAS app or a web browser.
Click here to login to the MCAS Website
The facility allows the child’s attendance, timetable, class list, behaviour, reports and announcements to be accessed whenever the parent/carer wants, 24/7.
As well as pupil performance data, the portal also provides general information about school, such as the school calendar and any important announcements.
The service also displays if a teacher records your child attending an after school session.
Our school ID is 11506
If you have forgotten your log on details, please click on "Forgotten Login Details?" on the MCAS app.
Your username and invitation code should have been received by text message, If you haven't received a welcome letter to MCAS please contact the school office.
Adding Other School Accounts to MCAS
It is possible to have more than one school/account within the app. On the bottom menu tap Accounts. To add another school click the + at the top right and add the new school account. Once there is more than one school/account in the app, the live account in the app will be green. Tap any grey account to swap to that school/account.