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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.


Welcome to Southey Nursery!

Class Teachers: Miss Hughes & Mrs Dewar


At Southey Green, we promise to provide our children with 6 unique experiences in each year group. We call these ‘Southey’s Super Six’. These tasks give our children something to look forward to each year and in places, provide an opportunity that the children may not have previously had.


We have had a lovely start to the new year. The children have enjoyed learning about owls and the autumn. We have created our own owls in different formats. We learnt that owls can make different noises not just ‘twit twoo’. We had fun being artists, doing some leaf rubbings and discovered we had to use the crayons differently to make the leaf appear. We have had fun dancing using 'Danny Go' and copying the moves he makes and have enjoyed exploring the shapes to make our own owl homes.  

Autumn Term

We have learnt all about road safety this week, we discovered that we need to hold an adults hand, press the button and wait for the green man. When we cross the road we must walk too. We did great listening and all got to take part in crossing the road

Road Safety
