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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.


Welcome to Southey Nursery!

Class Teachers: Miss Hughes & Mrs Dewar


At Southey Green, we promise to provide our children with 6 unique experiences in each year group. We call these ‘Southey’s Super Six’. These tasks give our children something to look forward to each year and in places, provide an opportunity that the children may not have previously had.


Welcome to Nursery


Nursery best bits


This term the Nursery children have enjoyed learning about the woods and Autumn time. They have enjoyed going on a Gruffalo hunt, explored pumpkins and met real owls. They have welcomed lots of new friends and explored playing indoors and outdoors together. The children celebrated 'French Day' too, making their own garlic butter to enjoy at home! Families have joined their children every week to play and share stories in the setting which has been wonderful. 

We have had a very busy half term celebrating in lots of different styles. We have held birthday parties, celebrated Diwali by creating diva lamps and made bonfire pictures on the playground.  

We have learnt how to use many new tools including how to use the knife to cut out fruit up and the laminator to make our diva lamps.  We have been improving our building skills and have not only created enclosures for our animals but balanced them carefully to build towers. We especially loved the giraffe being on top of the tower.  It was wonderful to see so many parents and grandparents come to our sessions this term. We can’t wait to see some more in the new year.  When the weather turned very cold outside, we were able to explore the ice which we hope we can do more of next term as our topic is all about water, ice and snow!  

Fun in the snow!

Spring Term  


We have had a really busy half term in Nursery. We loved inviting mummies in for our Mother’s Day Disco. It was a fabulous party. As part of our books this half term we have been looking at alternative traditional tales and two of our stories were about dinosaurs. We found a dinosaur egg in nursery and discovered a dinosaur skeleton! 


All the adults are very proud of how the children have progressed with their painting this half term. They have been taking extra care to not mix the paints, keeping them nice and bright.  


The children have also been very busy with their phonics and book talk story telling. We have had some wonderful pictures created. We certainly have an artistic group of children this year.  

Fun at our "For the love of books" family workshop
