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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.

Southey Tots

Welcome to Southey Tots

Class Teacher: Mrs Robinson

At Southey Green, we promise to provide our children with 6 unique experiences in each year group. We call these ‘Southey’s Super Six’. These tasks give our children something to look forward to each year and in places, provide an opportunity that the children may not have previously had.

Welcome to Southey Tots

We have been very busy during the month of September welcoming 16 new children into Southey Tots. The children are settling in wonderfully and really enjoying their time at nursery. Here are some photographs of the fun they have been having while playing and exploring the provision. It is lovely to see so many happy, smiley faces. 

Owl Babies 


One of our stories in Autumn One was Owl Babies. We were very lucky to have a visit from a real baby owl called Twiglet. Some of us were very brave and held Twiglet using a special glove. We had lots of fun making our own baby owls with the playdough and feathers. We even went on a walk through the crunchy leaves to help collect twigs, sticks and leaves for our owl’s nests.  
