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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.

Southey Tots

Welcome to Southey Tots

Class Teacher: Mrs Robinson

At Southey Green, we promise to provide our children with 6 unique experiences in each year group. We call these ‘Southey’s Super Six’. These tasks give our children something to look forward to each year and in places, provide an opportunity that the children may not have previously had.

Welcome to Southey Tots


During the month of September, we have been very busy in Southey Tots welcoming lots of our new friends and families into the setting. The children are doing amazingly at settling in and waving goodbye to their grown up at the beginning of the session. The children are really enjoying playing and exploring across our indoor and outdoor provision. Here are some photographs from our first few weeks in nursery.

Thank you to all our families that joined us for our first stay and play of the year. The children really enjoyed sharing our ‘Music and Rhyme’ themed stay and play with you and look forward to you all joining our Christmas themed one next half term.

Our children in tots had a wonderful time at their Christmas workshop. Have a look at how busy we were! 


We had a wonderful time in our morning nursery session, sharing our play and learning with our families. The theme for our stay and play was ‘Early Maths’ and the children engaged in lots of play activities around the provision to support the development of early maths concepts alongside an adult. Thank you to all that came and supported us.

Once Upon a Time … 


This half term the children have had a fantastic time playing and exploring across the provision around our traditional tales, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ The children explored the natural materials the pigs used to build their houses and went on their very own stick hunt. The children discovered what happens to dry porridge oats when ‘milky water’ is added. The children loved mixing up their sticky porridge mixtures to feed the hungry bears in nursery.  
