Foundation Stage 2

Foundation Stage 2 is your child’s first step into full time education and we want it to be a positive and fulfilling experience that each child will enjoy and remember as happy for many years to come.
Here are some of the things we aim for your child to experience and achieve:
- To make lots of positive friendships with both children and adults; learn how to share and be kind to others.
- To be able to express how they feel and begin to understand the feelings of others.
- To develop confidence in trying new things and the resilience to keep trying when some learning seems a little difficult.
- To become an inquisitive learner who will investigate and explore learning for themselves.
- For each child to find something which they feel good at and enjoy doing.
- To achieve their very best throughout the curriculum
- To enjoy coming to school, feeling valued and happy!
Meet the staff

Welcome to Southey Green Primary