Is your child a historian? Is your child interested in developing their scientific abilities? Do they have a passion for music? Have they started displaying their artistic flare? Well Southey Green is the school for them!
At Southey Green Primary School, we provide opportunities for your child to explore and develop in an engaging and creative learning environment. Every skill is harnessed and developed to achieve every child's maximum potential.
We recognise that our children are individuals and unique in their own way so we always endeavour to deliver our rich curriculum by using a range of teaching strategies, including practical sessions, and by using experiences in order to bring learning to life, including special educational visits and visitors.
Throughout our entire curriculum, breadth, depth and a passion for learning is clearly evident. Our children are engaged from the onset and have ample opportunities to progress throughout their time at Southey Green. Some examples of our engaging lessons include:
- Creating their own Top Trump cards in history using a range of knowledge and skills.
- Dissecting a range of interesting objects in science, including flowers and eyeballs.
- Carrying out exciting fieldwork in the real world.
- Performing the arts both inside and outside of school.
Our curriculum has been carefully arranged and designed to ensure units of work in all subjects are carefully sequenced. The careful consideration of how the units have been sequenced make sure children learn and have a good understanding of the key knowledge, skills and concepts which are woven throughout the curriculum and revisited frequently.
At Southey Green we pride ourselves on the experiences that we provide for our children. These experiences including:
- Developing career's knowledge in order to raise aspirations.
- Watching and enjoying live performances.
- Consistently promoting hygiene throughout the school, including tooth brushing.
- Visiting relevant places of interest.
Teachers are encouraged to think of their own lessons by using the knowledge of the classes and pupils' interests. Our personalised curriculum allows us to show that our curriculum is broad and full breadth of the National Curriculum.
Pupils have access to a differentiated, broad and balanced curriculum with their needs identified in planning documents and SEND Review paperwork. To enable access to the curriculum for pupils with SEND, the school provides:
- Teaching assistants, including two teaching assistants highly trained to support children with Speech and language Needs
- Learning Mentors trained extensively in counselling and mental health support
- Intervention and Intervention resources
- Specialist equipment, such as ear defenders, pencil grips etc…
- Differentiated learning
- Small group support
- Personalised approaches e.g. individual workstations for learners
- Sessions with support staff trained in nurture-based principles
- Access to Alternative Provision, including the Locality Hub based at Coit School
- Behaviour and Attendance Coordinator
- Think for The Future Mentoring
Whole School Curriculum Map
The school use the RWI phonics resources to teach phonics across the school. More information about how we teach phonics can be found in the Reading tab below.
If you would like more information about the curriculum at Southey Green school, please contact the main school office to arrange a meeting with our curriculum leads Miss Shotton and Miss Hubbard.