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Southey Green Primary School & Nurseries

Ready. Respectful. Responsible.

Southey Tots - 2 Year Provision


Welcome to Southey Green Primaries two year old nursery provision. We offer 15 hours free provision to some 2 year old's starting the term after their second birthday. The nursery runs two 16 place sessions. Our morning nursery session runs from 8.45am – 11.45pm and our afternoon session runs 12.30pm-3.30pm. As a team we pride ourselves in offering our children a rich and exciting learning environment. We are committed to developing children’s communication skills through stimulating activities that promote children’s curiosity and encourage them to use their senses. Not only will nursery give your child the opportunity to play, explore and socialise with others at the same age but it will also help them take their first small steps into education.

Meet the team

Below is our nursery booklet where further information regarding our nursery can be found and details on how to contact us.

To find more information on whether your child qualifies for the free 15 hours please see the website link below or alternatively you can phone Sheffield City Council on 0114 273 4567.
